CRAF is considering an upgrade for the radio astronomy UHF band 608 – 614 MHz to a primary status in ITU-R Region 1

The UHF band 608–614 MHz has been always of considerable importance to radio astronomy as it bridges the large gap between the 410 MHz and 1 400 MHz Radio Astronomy Service (RAS) spectrum allocations. The band is currently used under a secondary allocation in the European part of ITU-R region 1. Whereas in the African Broadcasting Area of Region 1 (roughly most of Africa and parts of the Middle East), the band 606-614 MHz is used under a primary allocationfor RAS according to footnote 5.304.

CRAF participated in the second online meeting of Project Team D (PTD) of the WRC-23 CEPT Conference Preparatory Group (CPG) during the second week of February 2021. Project Team D is addressing WRC-23 agenda item 1.5, where the UHF band in region 1 is under review. In its input contribution to the meeting, CRAF proposed a harmonized position for CEPT for an upgrade to the RAS band 608 – 614 MHz to a primary status in region 1. Nevertheless, the meeting decided to defer considering the upgrade until more compatibility studies for RAS and other services operating in the UHF band become available. CRAF plans to continue the discussions on the agenda item during the upcoming ITU-R working party 7D web-meeting planned on the period from 12th – 16th April 2021.