TACAN | Tactical Air Navigation System |
TACS | Total Access Communications System |
TAG | Technical Advisory Group |
TAI | Temps Atomique International |
TAPC | Terrestrial Aeronautical Public Correspondence = TFTS |
T-DAB | Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting |
TBR | Technical Base for Regulation (ETSI) |
TCAM | Telecommunications Conformity Assessment and Market Surveillance Committee (EC) |
TDD | Time Division Duplex |
TDF | Télédiffusion de France (F) |
TDM | Time Division Multiplex |
TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access |
TDRS | Tracking and Data Relay Satellite |
TDRSS | Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System |
TDWR | Terminal Doppler Weather Radar |
TEDS | TETRA Enhanced Data Service |
TETRA | Trans European Trunked Radio |
TETRAPOL | A PMR technology |
TFTS | Terrestrial Flight Telephone System (= APC) |
TG | Task Group (ITU) |
TIA | Telecommunication Industry Association (USA) |
TICT | Transport Information and Control systems |
TLSI | Tracing Lost and Stolen Items |
TMN | Telecommunication Management Network (ITU) |
TMO | Trunked Mode Operation |
TOVS | TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (NOAA) |
TPC | Transmitter Power Control |
TRRL | Tactical Radio Link |
TSAG | Technical Standardization Advisory Group (ITU) |
TSLI | Tracing Stolen and Lost Items |
TTC | Tracking, telemetry, and command |
TV | TeleVision |
TWIM | Terrestrial Wireless Interactive Multimedia applications |
TWTA | Travelling Wave Tube Amplifiers |