The different kinds of European radio telescopes are listed below. To this, the following note should be taken into account:
- The MERLIN network includes telescopes which are also used in single dish mode.
- The Westerbork interferometer is also used for single dish operations.
- None of the mentioned radio astronomy stations is exclusively dedicated to Very Long Baseline Interferometry, VLBI, but some participate in specific VLBI observing sessions only. Their individual participation depends on the frequencies at which the radio telescope can operate, i.e. they do not join the VLBI network at the same time.
Connected element radio interferometers are located at:
- Cambridge radio observatory
- NOEMA radio observatory
- Westerbork radio observatory
- Northern Cross radio observatory
Radio observatories which also operate as nodes of the Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network, MERLIN:
- Cambridge radio observatory
- Darnhall radio observatory
- Defford radio observatory
- Jodrell Bank radio observatory
- Knockin radio observatory
- Pickmere radio observatory
Radio observatories which also operate as nodes of a European VLBI network (EVN) are listed here.
Radio observatories which also operate as nodes of a Global mm-VLBI Array (GMVA) are listed here.
Radio observatories which also operate as nodes of a VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS) are listed here (to be added).
Radio observatories which also operate as nodes of a e-Callisto (solar radio monitoring) are listed here.