
List of published CRAF newsletters:
  • Issue 35, Autumn 2023 * Editorial * Report from the 68th CRAF meeting * Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre (VIRAC) * The high-frequency upgrade of the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) * Car radars * Dark and Quiet Skies for Science and Society * Observations of the Taurus Molecular Cloud *
  • Issue 34, Autumn 2021 * Editorial * Report from the 66th CRAF meeting * Report from the 64th CRAF (web) meeting * The VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS) – Developments and Questions to the ITU-R * Two Events attended by the CRAF VGOS Group * RF Monitoring and localisation at Jodrell Bank Observatory * WRC23 *
  • Issue 33, Autumn 2020 * Editorial * Report from the 63rd CRAF meeting * Report from the 64th CRAF (web) meeting * Spectrum compatibility studies with Python: the pycraf package * The Low-frequency Radio Telescope NenuFAR * The Threat of New Satellite Missions to the Global ObservationSystem (VGOS) * Report from WRC-19 * RFI Management in the SKA Observatory *
  • Issue 32, Autumn 2019 – * Editorial * Report from the 61th CRAF meeting * Report from the 62th CRAF meeting * Low-loss Superconducting Filters for the Sardinia Telescope * The VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS) * Report from the 10th IVS General Meeting (Svalbard/Norway) *
  • Issue 31, July 2017 – * Editorial * Report from the 59th CRAF meeting * Report from the 60th CRAF meeting * The NOrthern Extended Millimetre Array (NOEMA) *Coexisting with Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) – Workshop Report * Callisto as a Worldwide RFI-Monitor * Ukrainian Radio Astronomy – Brief History and Prospects *
  • Issue 30, September 2016 – * Editorial * Report from the WRC-15 * WRC-19 agenda items relevant to RAS and CRAF’s preliminary position on those * Update on the SKA * Extension of LOFAR to Ireland * RFI situation in Sardinia *
  • Issue 29, September 2015 – * Editorial * Report from the 56th CRAF meeting * Report from the 57th CRAF meeting * Cognitive Radio and White Space Devices – Part 2 * Radio Astronomy in Finland * Emission from microwave ovens * Status of solar radio astronomy observatories in Europe *
  • Issue 28, July 2014 * Editorial * The new Frequency Manager * ERATec Bonn 2013: Radio Interference with Large Bandwidth Observations * IUCAF Spectrum Management School * Cognitive Radio and White Space Devices – Part 1 *
  • Issue 27, July 2013  * Editorial * Report from the 55th CRAF meeting * Watch the skies, everywhere! * Twin Telescope Wettzell – A new class of radio telescopes for VLBI * Radio astronomy activity in Ireland *
  • Issue 26, December 2012– * Editorial * Report from the 54th CRAF meeting * (Radio Quiet) Locations for the SKA defined! * Industrial devices and Radio Astronomy * Report from the ITU-R WP7D meeting in Manta, Ecuador *
  •  Issue 25, July 2012– * Editorial * Report from the 53rd CRAF meeting * Report on the World Radio Conference of 2012 * Path Profile software * Noteable retirement *
  • Issue 24, December 2011 – * Editorial * Report from the 52nd CRAF meeting * Threats to millimetre astronomy? * News on UWB * The World Radio Conference of 2012 (WRC-12) is approaching! * Finding the best site for the SKA * Working Party 7D at the ITU – Radio Astronomy *
  • Issue 23, June 2011 – * Editorial * Report from the 51st CRAF meeting * New CRAF Frequency Manager * Passive microwave radiometry for atmospheric research and composition monitoring * RFI measurements at Yebes observatory and in the Azores archipelago * Update on IRIDIUM *
  • Issue 22, December 2010– * Editorial * Report from the 50th CRAF meeting * A new Italian mobile laboratory for RFI monitoring * Wind turbine meeting * The Chile earthquake and the geodetic observatory TIGO * Report on RFI2010 – The RFI Mitigation Workshop *
  •  Issue 21, July 2010– * Editorial * Report from the 49th CRAF meeting * Status of the UHF band * Solar Radio Spectrometer – Network: e-CALLISTO * CRAF RFI database *
  • Issue 20, December 2009 – * Editorial * Report from the 48th CRAF meeting * Solar radio astronomy, global change and space weather * UK spectrum policy * Wind turbines * Kick-off of the CRAF Spectrum monitoring *
  • Issue 19, May 2009 – * Editorial * Report from the 47th CRAF meeting * Previous Chairmanship * Detection of Very Short Pulsed Radio Signals * The International Year of Astronomy 2009 *
  • Issue 18, November 2008 – * Editorial * Report from the 46th CRAF meeting * Summary of technical seminar on data loss * Data loss for radio astronomy as found in Recommendation ITU-R RA.1513 * RFI data monitoring system for the CRAF website * New CRAF memberships * On the Web *
  • Issue 17, May 2007 – * Editorial * Report from the 45th CRAF meeting * Protection of Radio Astronomy: a Success in South Africa * New prospects for solar radio astronomy in Belgium * Bad news from the UK relating to frequency management * WRC-07 has gone! WRC-11 is coming! * Summer 2008 meetings on spectrum management *
  • Issue 16, October 2007 – * Editorial * Report from the 44th CRAF meeting 9-11 May 2007 * Iridium transmissions into the radio astronomy band between 1610.6 MHz and 1613.8 MHz * The neighbourhood watch * A new generation of Earth Exploration Satellite Systems can destroy receivers in a radio telescope! * Interference from CloudSat? * Abbreviations not explained in the text *
  • Issue 15, February 2007 – * Editorial * Jim Cohen: In memoriam * Report from the 43rd CRAF meeting 16-17 November 2006 * Geodetic VLBI: a fundamental technology underlying the global geodetic reference frames * RFI protection in Greece *
  • Issue 1, 2006 – * Chairman’s corner * Report from the 42nd CRAF meeting [6-7 April 2006] * Regulatory protection of frequencies above 275 GHz * A site for the SKA * RadioNet support for CRAF activities * Attempted removal of  “All emissions are prohibited” (ITU-R RR 5.340) clause from national radio regulations *
  • Issue 2, 2005 – * Chairman’s corner * Report from the 41st CRAF meeting [17-18 November 2005] * Summer School 2005 * RSPG actions and Radio Astronomy * SKA Design Study (SKADS) * New CRAF Frequency Manager *
  • Issue 1, 2005 – Report from the 40th CRAF meeting [11-12 April 2005] * In Memoriam Pierre Cugnon * Interference Mitigation Publications * New 40-m radiotelescope at Yebes, Spain * Frequencies on sale * CRAF Handbook for Radio Astronomy – 3rd edition
  • Issue 2, 2004 – * Report from the 39th CRAF meeting [11-12 October 2004] * ESF sponsored Workshop on Active Protection of Passive Radio Services * Short Range Radar, SRR – conclusion? * Ultra-Wide band (UWB) transmissions and radio astronomy * Iridium satellite system and radio astronomy * Second Summer School in Spectrum Management and Radio Astronomy * Coordination with 94 GHz CloudSat radar transmissions
  • Issue 1, 2004 – * Report from the 38th CRAF meeting [15-16 April 2004] * CRAF Review 2003 * ESF Workshop on Active Protection of Passive Radio Services * LOFAR * Short Range Radar, SRR * henceforth RadioNet funding *
  • Issue 2, 2003 – * New CRAF chairman * Report of the 37th CRAF meeting [16-17 October 2003] * Evaluation of WRC-03 * Pre-view on WRC-07 and WRC-10 * Further developments of the Short Range Radar issue * GPS L3 * Global Transmission System experiment – conclusion *
  • Issue 1, 2003 – * Editorial * Introduction to CRAF * European radio astronomy * New generation of radio telescopes: a challenge for the radio environment * Short Range Radar at ~77 GHz * Power Line Communications and LOFAR * Views on WRC-03 agenda items * Report of 36th CRAF meeting [27-28 March 2003] *
  • Issue 2, 2002 – * Report of 35th CRAF meeting [10-11 October 2002] * Global Transmission System experiment – position of ESA * Revision of Stockholm 1961 * Broadcasting satellite at ~700 MHz * URSI Resolution on “International Radio Quiet Reserves” * WRC-03 agenda item 1.32 – on the band 42.5-43.5 GHz *
  • Issue 1, 2002 – * Report of 34th CRAF meeting [8-9 April 2002] * CRAF Handbook for Frequency Management * Global Transmission System experiment * GONETS * Protection of “services” or stations * Power Line Communications *
  • Issue 2, 2001 – * Report of 33rd CRAF meeting [22-23 October 2001] * Footnote S5.340 * Interpretation of Recommendation ITU-R RA.769 * 24 GHz Short Range Radars * A radio telescope cannot be used for compatibility tests and standard development
  • Issue 1, 2001 – * Report of 32st CRAF meeting [19-20 April 2001] * IUCAF Workshop on RFI Mitigation (28-30 March 2001) * Establishing radio quiet zones * Digital broadcasting * WRC03 agenda item 1.15 *
  • Issue 3, 2000 – * New CRAF Chairman * Report of 31st CRAF meeting [9-10 November 2000] * ITU-R TG1/5 * 1.4 GHz and WRC-03 agenda item 1.16 * High Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS) * Ultra-Wide Band transmissions (UWB) *
  • Issue 2, 2000 – * Report of 30th CRAF meeting [11 August 2000] * Results of the WRC-2000 * Agenda items of WRC 2003 relevant for radio astronomy * CRAF and Inmarsat: is there an agreement? * Aeronautical Earth Stations at 1.6 GHz *
  • Issue 1, 2000 – * Introduction to European Science Foundation * Introduction to CRAF * European radio astronomy * WRC-2000 agenda items relevant for radio astronomy * ITU-R Working Party 7D * ITU-R Task Group 1/5 * Radio Astronomy and space systems * Use of microwave techniques for passive remote sensing of the terrestrial atmosphere * In memoriam Jean-Claude Sémiond * Report of the 29th CRAF meeting [20-21 March 2000]
  • Issue 4, 1999 – * Report of 28th CRAF meeting [6-7 September 1999] * Channel 38 and DVB-T * Detailed Spectrum Investigation – Phase III * XXVIth URSI General Assembly 1999 * TG1/5 Fifth Meeting, Assen, The Netherlands *
  • Issue 3, 1999 – * Report of 27th CRAF meeting [12-13 April 1999] * ITU activities * EC Green Paper on Radio Spectrum Policy * Preserving the Astronomical Sky (IAU-COSPAR-UN Symposium No.196) *
  • Issue 2, 1999 – * Radio Astronomy at 1612 MHz * ESF-Iridium LLC Agreement for 1 May 1999 – 1 January 2006 * ESF Press Release * Evaluation *
  • Issue 1, 1999 – * Report of 26th CRAF meeting [8-9 October 1998] * ITU activities * CRAF and IUCAF in the ITU * Preparations for WRC2000 * 1.4 GHz developments *
  • Issue 3, 1998 – * ESF-Iridium LLC Framework Agreement * ESF Press Release * Evaluation *
  • Issue 2, 1998 – * CRAF Meeting 25 [2-3 April 1998] * 1st CRAF workshop * Radio Astronomy in Europe and Iridium * ITU-R activities * Radio astronomy issues in CEPT project teams * Unknown Space Station finally traced *
  • Issue 1, 1998 – * CRAF Meeting 24 [20-22 October 1997] * IAU General Assembly 1997 * Kyoto Declaration * World Radiocommunication Conference 1997 * Radio Astronomy and Remote Sensing at mm-wave frequencies * Iridium and Radio Astronomy: still an unsolved problem * Look into Teledesic *
  • Issue 2, 1997 – * CRAF Meeting 23 [24-25 April 1997] * CRAF Handbook for Radio Astronomy * CEPT SE28 * ITU-R TG1-3/TG1-5 * ITU-R WP7D * Cloud Radar at 3-mm Wavelength * mm-wave working group * 1.6 GHz in Italy * ASTRA and radio astronomy * 1400-1427 MHz band endangered *
  • Issue 1, 1997 – * CRAF Meeting 22 [25-26 November 1996] * CEPT SE28 * Interference to COSPAS-SARSAT * The Satellite-Borne Cloud Radar at 3-mm Wavelength * Cloud radar frequencies * Iridium and radio astronomy *
  • Issue 3, 1996 – * CRAF Meeting 21 [2 September 1996] * 25th URSI General Assembly * CEPT SE28 * mm-wave radio astronomy * 328.25 MHz interference: Unregistered space station detected? *
  • Issue 2, 1996 – * CRAF Meeting 20 [11-12 April 1996] * CRAF Handbook for Radio Astronomy * ITU-R WP7D * ITU-R TG1/3 * A Satellite-Borne Cloud Radar at 3 mm Wavelength * CEPT SE28 * CEPT FM civil/military meeting 20-24 May 1996 *
  • Issue 1, 1996 – * New CRAF Chairman * CRAF Meeting 19 [28-29 September 1995] * CRAF Handbook for Radio Astronomy * Major activities * Policy * WRC 1995 * CEPT SE28 *
  • Issue 1, 1995 – * Introduction to the ESF – Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies * CRAF membership * Management and operation of the committee * Major activities * Outstanding problems * Relations with other bodies * Outlook * Publications * CRAF memberlist *

Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies