
The S. Braude Radio Astronomy Observatory is situated near Volokhiv Yar village, Kharkiv region, Ukraine. The observatory is operated by the Institute of Radio Astronomy of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kharkiv).

UTR-2 radio telescope

The Ukrainian T-shaped Radio telescope second modification (UTR-2), operating at decametre wavelengths, was built in the early 1970s. The UTR-2 consists of 2040 array elements in two arms: North-South (1800×60 m, 1440 dipoles) and West-East (900×60 m, 600 dipoles). It has a total area of 150,000 square meters, and a resolution of about 40 arcminutes at the middle frequency 16.7 MHz. The telescope is a part of the Ukrainian Radio Interferometer of NASU (URAN) decametric VLBI system, which includes additional four smaller low-frequency radio telescopes URAN-1 to URAN-4. The baselines of the URAN system are from 42 to 946 km.

geographic longitude:  36° 56′ 29″
geographic latitude:  49° 38′ 17″

Antenna specifications

Frequency range: 8 – 33 MHz
Antenna type: T-shaped antenna array of wideband dipoles
Number of array elements: 2040 (1440 North-South array, 600 West array)
Antenna array dimensions: T-shape of 1860 × 900 m (55 × 1860 m North-South array and 900 × 48 m West array)
Effective area: 140 000 m2 at 20 MHz
Antenna polarizations: single linear polarization
Best beam width (HPBW): 0.4° x 0.4° at 25 MHz

GURT radio telescope

GURT is a new generation radio telescope, using active wideband dipoles as elements of phased antenna array. The phased array of the telescope is composed of 25-element subarrays. Signals in subarrays are phased in an analog way (with true time delay lines), then are digitized and processed with digital beamforming algorithms. Currently 4 subarrays are in operation, and another 5 are in construction.

geographic longitude: 36° 56′ 36′′
geographic latitude: 49° 38′ 25′′

Antenna specifications

Frequency range: 8 – 80 MHz
Antenna type: Antenna array of wideband active dipoles
Number of array elements: 5 x 25 crossed dipoles
Antenna array dimensions: 18 × 18 m (one subarray)
Effective area: 350 m2 at 40 MHz
Antenna polarizations: two linear polarizations
Best beam width (HPBW): 20° x 20° at 40 MHz


Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies