
The Sardinia Radio Telescope (operated by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics) represents a flexible instrument for radio astronomy, geodynamical studies and space science, either in single dish or VLBI mode.

geographic longitude:09° 14′ 42″
geographic latitude:39° 29′ 34″
altitude above sea level:600 m
diameter of telescope:64 m
 minimum elevation: 5°

Available observing mode: single dish, Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI).

Frequencies used:

Frequency band
Observing mode
305 – 410 MHz not operational
1300 – 1800 MHz not operational
3000 – 4500 MHz planned
4200 – 5600 MHz single dish, VLBI
5700 – 7700 MHz single dish, VLBI
18 – 26 GHz single dish, VLBI
33 – 50 GHz single dish, VLBI
75 – 116 GHz single dish, VLBI
80 – 116 GHz single dish, VLBI

Research programs: geodynamical research, galactic and extragalactic research, Very Long Baseline Interferometry: astronomy and geodesy, pulsar research.


Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies