
The Yebes Radio Observatory (operated by the IGN Osservatorio Astronómico Nacional) operates two radio telescopes, one with a 40m antenna diameter and another with a 13.2m antenna diameter. The 40m antenna works in the 1-116 GHz frequency band and is used for Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and single dish observations. The 14m telescope operates in the S- and X-bands and participates in the RAEGE project as part of the ongoing development of a VLBI Geodetic Observing System, VGOS.

Telescope 1:

geographic longitude: – 03° 05′ 13″
geographic latitude:   40° 31′ 28.8″
altitude above sea level: 980 m
diameter of telescope: 40 m
 minimum elevation:  5°

Available observing mode: EVN VLBI, single dish, spectroscopy

40m telescope

Telescope 2:

geographic longitude: – 03° 05′ 18.7″
geographic latitude:   40° 31′ 24.5″
altitude above sea level: 978 m
diameter of telescope: 13.2 m
 minimum elevation:  5°

Available observing mode: IVS VGOS (VLBI Global Observing System)

13.2m telescope
13.2m telescope

Frequencies used currently:

Frequency band Observing mode
2 – 15 GHz 13m single dish, VLBI
2200 – 2370 MHz 40m single dish, VLBI
3000.4 – 3512.4 MHz 13m IVS VGOS
3220 – 3390 MHz 40m single dish, VLBI
4 – 18 GHz 40m single dish, VLBI
4500 – 9000 MHz 40 single dish, VLBI
5240.4 – 5752.4 MHz 13m IVS VGOS
6360.4 – 6872.4 MHz 13m IVS VGOS
4800 – 6700 MHz 40m single dish, VLBI
8100 – 8900 MHz 40m single dish, VLBI
10.20004 – 10.7124 GHz 13m IVS VGOS
18 – 32 GHz 40m single dish, VLBI
21 – 25 GHz 40m single dish, VLBI
28 – 33 GHz VLBI
31.5 – 50 GHz 40m single dish, VLBI, in prep.
72 – 90.5 GHz 40m single dish, VLBI
83 – 116 GHz 40m single dish, VLBI

Research programs: mm-wave spectroscopy of interstellar and circumstellar matter, Very Long Baseline Interferometry, IVS VGOS.

Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies